Customer Testimonials

  • Cindy M

    "Cocowix Candles exceeded my expectations! The wooden cedar wicks create a soothing ambiance, and to my surprise, these candles are made with 100% Organic Coconut wax. I love that they are paraffin-free, making them a healthier choice. Thanks for such an amazing product!" - Cindy M

  • Sebastian M

    "Wow! These candles are one of a kind. Great Quality, beautiful ambiance created with the wooden wicks, and these scents are incredible. I used to always burn soy wax candles but now I only burn CocoWix Candles." - Sebastian M.

  • Sarah P

    "This is my third time ordering from CocoWix and they have always delivered my order on time. I have to say, my favorite has been Lakehouse Dream! If you love candles, then definitely give CocoWix a try. Thank you for creating such a lovely product!" - Sarah P.

  • Laura B

    "My Friend gifted me one of your candles for Christmas and I fell in love! The crackling wooden wick is so beautiful and the smell is amazing. I will be ordering your candles from now on. Thank you!" - Laura B.